Work at Home

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Thursday, March 13, 2014

Daily Prayer for Healing of Body, Mind and Soul

Daily Prayer for Healing of Body, Mind and Soul

My most loving Father, You have promised,
“I am the God who heals you” 
I place in your loving care my sick body, worried mind,
my emotional wounds and sinful nature.
I believe that only You have the power
to heal me completely.
Loving Father, I trust in Your love for me,
Help me to love You more.
Help me to increase my faith in You.
I surrender to you ......... 

(here mention your illness or emotional hurt)

Cleanse me with the precious blood of Jesus,
purify me and set me free from anger,
resentment, hatred, unresolved hurts and greed.
Help me to remember
that the power of the Holy Trinity dwells within me
and all power to forgive and overcome sin is in me.
Fill me with Your Holy Spirit and Your peace. Amen.
Sacred Heart of Jesus and
Immaculate Heart of Mary,
please protect us.

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