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Thursday, March 13, 2014

A Mother’s Prayer of Thanksgiving for a Happy Family

A Mother’s Prayer of Thanksgiving for a Happy Family

Blessed Queen of the Most Holy Family
and Queen of chaste family life,
I thank you
and through You, Your divine Son
for the abundant blessings bestowed
upon our happy family.
I offer you my devoted thanks
for the motherhood with which my marriage
has been so graciously blessed.
I offer my thanks for the protecting hand
which has guarded us against the evils
that might have be fallen us;
For the healing hand that has restored us
in our sickness;
For the consoling hand that has soothed us
In our moments of sorrow;
For the sustaining hand that has steadied us
When trials weighed us down.
I thank you Mary, for the joys
that have so brightened our lives,
and for the Holy peace that has been granted us.
For these and all the precious blessings; spiritual and
temporal, that have been bestowed upon us
by Your tender mothering hand, I thank you Mary.
For the future, I humbly trust
in your gracious assistance for myself
and for each member of my family.
May that assistance continue with us
Daily throughout our life
and specially may it be our great consolation
in the hour of our death. Amen.
Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus, make us saints.

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