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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Nine days of prayer with Saint Joseph

Nine days of prayer with Saint Joseph

Saint Joseph was the husband of Mary and foster father of Jesus.

Betrothed to Mary, Joseph decided to divorce her quietly when he found she was with child, but an angel of the Lord told him to take her as his wife, since the child was the "Holy One" of God.

Joseph was present at Jesus' birth in Bethlehem, and warned by an angel in a dream, he fled with the infant and his mother lest Herod kill the child.
They settled at Nazareth, a small town of Galilee. There Joseph, a carpenter, helped to raise the child, sharing the many hours of his trade with his young son. During those uneventful years, the people of Nazareth saw Jesus simply as "the son of Joseph, the carpenter."

As a person of faith, "a just man," Joseph followed God's call in the mysterious circumstances surrounding the coming of Jesus. And God entrusted this gentle humble man with the unique privilege of raising his only son as a growing child.

Over the centuries Christians have honored Joseph and sought his protection.
The novena, a nine day prayer, is a way of praying with perseverance. It is modeled after the nine day period the apostles prayed before Pentecost. Recite the first two prayers for the nine days. Then offer the special prayer for each day.
In the name of the Father, 
and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Come to my aid, O God.
O Lord, make haste to help me.

Almighty God, Father of mercies
and giver of all good gifts,
I come before you to honor you
in your saints and ask their help
in my many needs.

You promised those who ask, would receive;
those who seek, would find;
those who knock, 
would have the doors opened to them.

Hear the prayers of your church,
grant my requests,
and pardon my sins.

Saint Joseph, just and true,
with a father's care 
you raised the Child Jesus,
and with a husband's love
you shared your life with Mary, his mother.

I entrust myself to your care
and place in your hands 
this request of mine...

(Bring your requests to God)

In quiet Nazareth long ago,
the Holy Spirit spoke to your heart
and you followed God's will
with wonderful faith.

In the quiet of my days,
and in the hard choices I must make,
help me follow the Spirit's guidance
and believe when I cannot see.

(Offer the prayer for the day)

Day 1

O God,
guide of those who listen
and helper of those who hear your voice,
speak to me, as you did to Saint Joseph,
and help me accomplish the things you give me to do.

Day 2

O God,
you love your people 
and bless the ordinary lives we quietly live.
As you blessed Saint Joseph,
bless what I do, however hidden and simple it may be,
and let all I do be done with love.

Day 3

O God, 
ever faithful,
you remember us always,
and in time reveal your blessings.
Help me trust in you,
as Saint Joseph faithfully trusted,
and never let me lose faith 
in the wonderful gifts
you promise me.

Day 4

God of families,
bless the family that's mine.
Keep us safe from harm,
and never let evil come between us.
Let peace remain in our hearts.

Day 5

O God,
who loves children,
be kind to our children today.
Give them the eyes of faith for seeing far,
a loving heart for welcoming life,
and a place always at your side.

Day 6

God of our heavenly home,
bless our home on earth.
Let the spirit of Mary and Joseph
rest at our table, shape our words and actions,
and bring blessing to our children.

Day 7

God, our Father, 
give your fatherly spirit
to those who are fathers now.
Like Joseph, give them hearts of devoted love
for their wives and children
and strength for forgiveness 
and patience.

Day 8

Give shelter, O God,
to those who need it, 
and bring together families divided.
Give us enough to eat,
and decent work to earn our bread.
Care for us, O God.

Day 9

Bless all families, O Lord,
especially those in need.
Remembering the life of your Son,
we pray for the poor,
for those you lack a good home,
for those in exile.
Grant them a protector like Joseph, 
O God.

Each day conclude the novena with one Our Father, 
one Hail Mary and one Glory Be.

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